Ventilation test of PM motor

Our PM motor has an energy saving of up to 70%

We have conducted an extensive test at one of our customers' plant, where we installed a PM motor in one of the exhaustions, which was continuously adjustable. A Triac regulated motor was also installed as well as a ventilator. Triac regulated means that the motor regulates via a voltage between 90 volt and up to 220 volt. The PM motor is set to 230 volt and is regulated via a 0-10 vdc. voltage.

Electricity meters were placed on both motors. At 100% ventilation, the Triac motor used 380 watt per hour, and the PM motor used 250 watt per hour. The energy saving is especially obvious when the plant is regulated downwards, in some cases a saving of up to 70%. The larger the motor effect, the larger the saving will be.
At our customer's plant, we estimated the saving to be 190.000 watt per year if for example they replaced 70 of their old ventilators of different sizes with PM motors.

The new PM motor can be be built into any kind of ventilation type/brand.

Contact us for further information


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