SKIOLD Eat-Time Management takes the performance of growing pigs to the next level.
Sensors collect data on the pigs’ appetite to let you know the exact feed intake and appetite of your pigs at any growing stage. Data is stored in real-time and can easily be accessed and shared. SKIOLD Eat-Time Management automatically controls up- and downregulations of feed based on the actual performance of the pigs and monitors your progress on a daily basis to keep you on track towards your goals.
SKIOLD Eat-Time Management will keep you updated about your pigs’ feed intake, automatic adjustments as well as feed consumption with the insight you get into your up- and downregulations as well as your use of feed resources. If you constantly strive to bring more value to your business, SKIOLD Eat-Time Management will help you.
With SKIOLD Eat Time Management you get instant insight into your farm and the Eat-Time control takes immediate action when necessary – at all feedings, every day, all year round. Thanks to SKIOLD Eat-Time Management you can now keep an eye on feed intake and adjust it, without having to check all the troughs yourself.
All you need to do is use SKIOLD Eat-Time Management.
SKIOLD Eat-Time Management gives you:
- Precision feeding of all pigs 24/7, 365 days a year
- Improved feed efficiency and minimal feed residues
- Feeding based on pig behavior, physiology, health and climate
- A combination of ad lib and restricted feeding for a better performance
- Real time data and instant insight into your farm